The Tent City for the Pilgrims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia


This is the tent city in Mina for all the pilgrims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia (approx 8 km from Mecca and only 2,000 km from Syria – just a little more than the distance from Brisbane to Melbourne)


The tents are made of fire-resistant materials and all have A/C. Every tent has speakers, thermostats and fire alarm.


A total of 3 million people can be accommodated. The tents are vacant for all but 5 days every year.


Would it not be the perfect city for all the Muslims fleeing their countries? And much closer?


Can you guess how many Muslim “refugees” Saudi Arabia has accepted from Syria? That’s right, the same number as have been given refuge by Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE,…….NIL, ZERO, NONE!!!!

This is the tent city in Mina for all the pilgrims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia (approx 8 km from Mecca and only 2,000 km from Syria – just a little more than the distance from Brisbane to Melbourne) The tents are made of fire-resistant materials and all have A/C. Every tent has speakers, thermostats and fire alarm. A total of 3 million people can be accommodated. The tents are vacant for all but 5 days every year. Would it not be the perfect city for all the Muslims fleeing their countries? And much closer? Can you guess how many Muslim “refugees” Saudi Arabia has accepted from Syria? That’s right, the same number as have been given refuge by Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE,.......NIL, ZERO, NONE!!!!

The Tent City for the Pilgrims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia

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